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Is anyone else having a problem?

B00kw0rm56 on 02.07.2019 16:57

I have been signed up to Bookhippo for about two years now and never had any problems until recently. I've stopped receiving any e-mails for books about a week ago and wondered if there is any reason why? I have tried signing in and re-subscribing but that doesn't work. Anyone have any ideas?

Bookworm19144 on 03.07.2019 13:53

Hi I’m having the same problem as you, only started happening a few weeks ago.

BobMac on 03.07.2019 15:08

They appear to have stopped from 24/06/19

Nothings been sent since that date.

Bookworm11601 on 03.07.2019 18:51

It's not just me then. The posts became irregular, then stopped altogether. I thought it was something I said!

Suzanne on 04.07.2019 14:22

I used to get regular emails with book offers,but suddenly stopped too. Don't know how to retrieve them !!!

bhcjackie on 05.07.2019 23:56

Has anyone queried the contact email in the page footers?

I'm happy to email but won't if everyone else has because I don't want to be part of a bombardment.

Kittygrape on 06.07.2019 14:34

I also stopped getting email from these such a shame as i got some good books.wonder why they stopped sending them

duska29 on 06.07.2019 23:19

Yes, I re-subscribed. Hope it will help.

duska29 on 06.07.2019 23:23

Funny thing, when I logged on website there is apparently no deals for the day. This must be a bigger issue.

loopy on 08.07.2019 16:53

I haven't had any e mails from them either, for over a week. Not sure what is happening, but i can't seem to find a way of contacting them.

Bookworm10865 on 08.07.2019 21:15

I haven’t had any daily email either. Would be interested in knowing what’s going on. Re-subscribed and that hasn’t helped......

Bookworm2021 on 09.07.2019 16:51

I haven’t had any either. I really miss them.

Bookworm1589 on 12.07.2019 10:20

I’ve not received daily e.mails . I wonder what’s happened? .

Rosen Trevithick on 15.07.2019 19:17
Rosen Trevithick

Sorry I haven't had time to compile the newsletter recently.

bhcjackie on 15.07.2019 23:46

As long as you're ok Rosen.

Real Life can be a PITA at times.

I just wait impatiently until normal service resumes ??

PIG BARON on 17.07.2019 17:14

Not received any books or lists for 3 months

Bookworm16847 on 19.07.2019 22:50

Last newsletter I got was 15th june, so not sure whats happening !!

Bookworm10978 on 24.07.2019 10:42

I haven't had anything either. I also subscribed again but still nothing. I ready miss their daily newsletters. Fingers crossed they will be up and running soon. on 25.07.2019 21:53

I've not had any for ages either.

Bookworm1589 on 22.08.2019 23:02

Nor me .So missing my book choices.

Bookworm16913 on 25.08.2019 09:09

Agree, no daily email since 24th June 2019. I had to sign back but didn't find an explanation for the issue.

KZLairyfairy on 24.12.2019 12:13

Still not able to get any books. Shame as it was a good site, wont let me into the tabs either even though I am still subscribed.

Anna Faversham on 30.12.2019 14:24
Anna Faversham

I'm sure Rosen is cheered by everyone saying how much they miss the Bookhippo.

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