This forum is very basic at the moment. What features would you like to see added?
Possibly the option to reply directly to a particular poster?
There's like/dislike and report but no 'reply to this post' with the ability to quote the post in the reply.
It could add some good discussions. :)
Thank you.
I worry that quoting messages will lead to unnecessary clutter. On the other hand, without that, or a similar feature, it'll be hard to see who's replying to what, in a longer thread.
What do other think?
It works okay that way on Goodreads. The poster has the choice to quote the original text or simply saying, 'I agree with Rosen' so there are bread crumbs to flow back to the original point. If the string gets really long, someone will use the feature to post the original text and the discussion can continue without confusion.
It works okay that way on Goodreads. The poster has the choice to quote the original text or simply saying, 'I agree with Rosen' so there are bread crumbs to flow back to the original point. If the string gets really long, someone will use the feature to post the original text and the discussion can continue without confusion.